A1/A2 English - 'as' and 'like'

We use as and like when we want to talk about the similarities between 2 things. Do you know when to use which one? Take a look at this lesson to learn more.

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as + adjective + as

If we want to say that something has a quality that is the same, or not the same as another object we use as + adjective + as or as much as.

He trains as much as I do.
She’s not as skilled as her friend.
It’s as amazing as I expected.
That house as big as a castle!

If you want to say there is no difference in 2 objects, use the same as.

His car is the same as mine.
My idea is not the same as hers

like + noun

In the same way as above, like is used to show the similarity between 2 objects without an adjective.

The cat like a lion in the house.
He’s acting like leader now.
It’s like Spain but the food is a bit different

We also use like alongside sense verbs.

It looks like a bird.
It smells like a flower.
It feels like sandpaper.

as if/as though + clause

We can use as if and as though to compare real and imaginary situation.

You look as though you’ve been in the wars.
I felt as if I was dreaming.

as to connect two phrases

We can also use as to connect 2 clauses in different ways.

as = ‘because’

As I was tired I stayed at home

as = ‘while’ 

I spoke to him as he was leaving

as = ‘in the way that’

The weather is great, as forcasted

Which sentence is correct?.

He runs _____ a cheetah.

We got there late _____ there was traffic.

He’s eating ____ it’s his final meal.

Your grade is: __

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