Lesson: Are Students "Better Off" Not Going to University?


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U.K. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson advocates alternatives to university, emphasizing technical education and apprenticeships for more rewarding careers. Explore our English learning resource, delving into Williamson’s insights on diverse career paths. Learn about the shift from the 50% university attendance goal and growing concerns over student debt repayment challenges.

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Are Students "Better Off" Not Going to University?

Are Students "Better Off" Not Going to University?

Take a listen to the article, and take some notes on what it is about and any information you hear.

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What is this article about?

Are Students "Better Off" Not Going to University?

Take a listen and a read of the article and take some notes before clicking next and answering some questions. You can come back and listen anytime. If you want to test yourself, go on without reading and see if you can answer the questions. Also, you can have a look at the questions and come back and take another listen.


Many students would be " better off" if they did not go to university, U.K. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has said.

School-leavers would have "more rewarding careers" if they ditched degrees and took up technical education instead, according to Williamson. "Many students would be better off taking a different route," Mr Williamson told The Telegraph. "For some it could be an apprenticeship or technical qualification. Not only can these routes offer a greater career path, but they also provide the skills that we need as a nation."

The ambition for 50 per cent of school-leavers to go to university was first introduced by Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1999, and the proportion of young adults in England entering higher education rose above 50 per cent for the first time in 2017. But Mr Williamson's remarks signal a departure from this goal.

His remarks come amid growing concern about the high numbers of students who go to university but end up burdened with debt which they are unable to repay. The number of graduates who fail to clear their debt before it is written off has almost doubled since 2011, with nearly 77.4 per cent of graduates never fully repaying their debts.


Come amid growing concerns - arrive at a time when people are worried

took up - to start something new

burdened - troubled or disadvantaged by something

apprenticeship - a qualification you achieve through on the job training.

Better off - to be in a better situation.

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Gavin Williamson thinks students would be better off if ______

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What is a benefit of not going to university according to the article

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Which of the following is NOT true?

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Fill in the gaps: school-leavers, amid, burdened, better off, took up, ditched, apprenticeship

Are Students "Better Off" Not Going to University?

Many students would be if they did not go to university, U.K. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has said.

School-leavers would have "more rewarding careers" if they degrees and technical education instead, according to Williamson. "Many students would be better off taking a different route," Mr Williamson told The Telegraph. "For some it could be an or technical qualification. Not only can these routes offer a greater career path, but they also provide the skills that we need as a nation."

The ambition for 50 per cent of to go to university was first introduced by Prime Minister Tony Blair in 1999, and the proportion of young adults in England entering higher education rose above 50 per cent for the first time in 2017. But Mr Williamson's remarks signal a departure from this goal.

His remarks come growing concern about the high numbers of students who go to university but end up with debt which they are unable to repay. The number of graduates who fail to clear their debt before it is written off has almost doubled since 2011, with nearly 77.4 per cent of graduates never fully repaying their debts.

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