First, Second, Zeroth Conditionals

In this section, we look at the first, second and zeroth conditionals. Take a look at the lesson below and test yourself with the final quiz at the bottom of the page.


Conditionals are used when we want to talk about what will happen after something else happens. The if part of the sentence is the condition (If the weather was good) the other part is the result (I would have gone for a run). 

If I won  the lottery, I would buy a boat
I would buy a boat, if i won the lottery

Zeroth conditional​

The zeroth conditional is used for laws, rules or things people know to be true

If I eat to much, I feel sick
It floods if it rains to much
When it is to hot, I have to go inside

Structure: when/if + present simple + ____ + present simple.

First conditional

For possible situations in the future we use the first conditional.

If the weather is nice tomorrow, I‘ll go for a run.
We will pass if we study hard.

Structure: when/if + present simple + _____ + will + infinitive. 

We can also use unless (if it does not), as long as (if), as soon as (when) or in case (if + negative) instead of when/if.

Unless you help, it wont get finished.
I’ll sleep as soon as I get home.
I’ll text you in case I’m late.
We can go, as  long as we can afford it.

Second Conditional

We use the second conditional to imagine impossible situations in the present or future.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a Ferrari.
I would love to sit outside, if we had a terrace.

Structure: if + past simple + ____ + would + infinitive. 

When if is followed by the verb be, you can use the form was/were for any pronoun.

If I were you, I would stay quiet.
If she was smart, she would pass 
He would travel the world if he was richer.

If I nap, I ____ sleep.

If I ____ all day, I ____ exhausted

________ you train, you _____ play.

If I _____ it, I would tell you.

Your grade is: __

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