Gradable Adjectives

Can you use the words, a bit, really, very or absolutely. Take a look at the explanation for gradable and non-gradable adjectives below and test yourself with the final quiz at the bottom of the page.

Gradable adjectives

Gradable adjectives describe how strong the adjective is. For example, you can be a bit hungryvery hungry or extremely hungry. There are many modifiers that make the adjective weaker or stronger. 

She was a little sleepy after work.
The food we had was pretty good!
The weather is very hot these days.

Here is a list of some common gradable adjectives and some modifiers that we can use with them.

weaker weak Strong Stonger
not really,
not very,
not particularly
a bit,
kind of,

Non-gradable: absolute adjectives

Some adjectives are non-gradable. If the adjective is n absolute, for example, something can’t be a bit dead or very finished. We use modifiers like absolutelytotally or completely to make the adjective stronger:

 It’s totally Amazing!
Their house was absolutely ruined by an earthquake.
My phone is completely brand new.

Some common adjectives that use these modifiers are: 

acceptable, unacceptable, deaddestroyedfinishedfreeimpossiblenecessaryperfectruined, etc.

Non-gradable: extreme adjectives

Some adjectives are already as strong as they can be. we can make them stronger, by using absolutely or really:

It was absolutely incredible!
He was really exhausted after such a long trip.
The food was absolutely terrible.

Some common adjectives that use these modifiers are: 

amazing,  ancientawfulboilingdeliciousenormous, excellentexhaustedfascinatingfreezinggorgeousterribleterrifyingtiny,  etc.

The match was _____ good last night.

The service was _____ awful in that café.

I am _______ starving!

Your grade is: __

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