Lesson: Fire Devours Greek Island; Residents Urged to Flee


Have a look at some of these real world materials and go along with the lessons to improve your English.

Witness the devastating impact of Greece’s worst heatwave in three decades as wildfires ravage Evia, turning the sky orange and forcing evacuations. Engage with our English learning resource, where you can listen and read about the challenges posed by climate change. Explore the alarming spread of fires across southern Europe, drawing attention to the urgent need for environmental awareness.

Fire Devours Greek Island; Residents Urged to Flee

Fire Devours Greek Island; Residents Urged to Flee

Take a listen to the article, and take some notes on what it is about and any information you hear.

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What is the article about?

Fire Devours Greek Island; Residents Urged to Flee

Take a listen and a read of the article and take some notes before clicking next and answering some questions. You can come back and listen anytime. If you want to test yourself, go on without reading and see if you can answer the questions. Also, you can have a look at the questions and come back and take another listen.

Smoke and ash turned the sky orange and blocked out the sun above Greece's second-largest island Sunday as a wildfire devoured forests and  encroached on villages, triggering evacuation alerts.

The fire on the island of Evia began August 3 and cut across the popular summer destination from coast to coast as it burned out of control. Homes and businesses have been destroyed and thousands of residents and tourists have fled, many escaping by boat.

That fire now is the most severe of dozens that broke out in Greece in the wake of the country's worst heat wave in three decades, which sent temperatures soaring to 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) for days.

Greek and European officials have blamed climate change for the large number of fires in Southern Europe this summer, from Italy to the Balkans, Greece and Turkey.

Devoured - to destroy (eat)

Encroached on - to slowly approach something

in the wake of - because of

soaring - rise quickly

triggering - to cause something to start

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What was the name of the affected island?

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How did people escape the island?

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This was the worst heatwave in Greece in how many years?

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What did officials say was the main reason for so many fires in Southern Europe?

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Fire Devours Greek Island; Residents Urged to Flee

Fill in the gaps: in the wake of, soaring, devoured, triggering, encroached on

Smoke and ash turned the sky orange and blocked out the sun above Greece's second-largest island Sunday as a wildfire forests and villages, evacuation alerts.

The fire on the island of Evia began August 3 and cut across the popular summer destination from coast to coast as it burned out of control. Homes and businesses have been destroyed and thousands of residents and tourists have fled, many escaping by boat.

That fire now is the most severe of dozens that broke out in Greece the country's worst heat wave in three decades, which sent temperatures to 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) for days.

Greek and European officials have blamed climate change for the large number of fires in Southern Europe this summer, from Italy to the Balkans, Greece and Turkey

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