Lets look at how to use all the different things, avaliable in The Garden English
Let’s register for the Garden English!
First click on the sign-up on the top left of The Garden English Homepage
Click sign-up again
Enter all your details
Once you have signed up, you will see the 2 buttons in the top right corner change to a profile circle. Congratulations! You have now signed up for the Garden English Online.
Should you have any issues with your sign-up, feel free to contact me over Instagram or email me at messages@gardenenglishonline.co.uk
Next, let’s look at how to go to our profile and change our information. It is good to do this so we can talk and communicate with others in the community and grow our English together
Click on the profile circle in the top right corner, go down to profile and click on view
You’ll go to your profile page and be able to see all of the things that are available to you in the social section of The Garden English.
Click on the edit button to change some things about your profile.
One here you will be able to change your profile picture and cover image. You’ll be able to change any of your name information and information about yourself, such as your English level and bio.
Next let’s look at some of the social aspects that are new to the Garden English online and see some of the new features that will be available to members.
There are number of features that we can use now on the garden english. We have a news feed taht allows us to share our thoughts, ideas and English tips to all the members. You can see what members we have in the top left and create your own posts on the top. You can include images, documents and short videos. Posts can be commented on and liked and should you want to change anything, click the 3 dots in the top right corner of your post to edit/delete.
We also Have Forums. Forums are categories that you can look into to get more information about a specific topic.
We currently have Accountability partner, English grammar and vocabulary, Goals, Homework, and previous classes
First, choose which Forum you want to look at and then you can subscribe before entering.
You can then ask any questions you might have about the topic or answer someone else’s questions.
You can post homework or see other previous classes also in the different forums
Finally, let’s look at some of the material that is currently available to use in the Garden English, with more to be added in the coming weeks and months.
There is a huge range of materials that will now be avaliable to you. You have Quizes, includoing level and grammar tests that have hunreds of logged questions, lessons that contain real world English resources, grammar classes for all levels. over 100 flashcards. An English blog that you can access to get more information about learning English. and the weekly live English Group Classes.