A1/A2 English - Stative verbs

Stative verbs, like smell, love, have, hear, look, see are very important in English. Take look at this lesson to learn about stative verbs.

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Stative Verbs

Stative verbs are used to describe a state instead of an action. 

It looks good. It is looking good.
I love you. I’m loving you.

Stative verbs are used in these situations:

  • thoughts and opinions: agreedoubtguessimagineknowthinkunderstand
  • feelings and emotions: dislikehatelikelovewant
  • senses and perceptions: appearbehearlookseesmelltaste
  • possession and measurement: belonghavemeasureownweigh.

Verbs that are sometimes stative

Many verbs can both describe states and actions

I see your point of view.
I’m seeing that movie later.

The first sentence expresses a perception of what someone sees. The second is talking about the action of seeing the movie.

Some other examples are:


I have a new bag (possession)


I see an issue here (opinion)


He’s so handsome (quality)


This chocolate tastes sweet. (opinion)

Which sentence is correct?.

I ____ Michael, but he can’t ____ me

I _____ music coming from the Smith’s apartment

Which sentence is correct?

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