Third and Mixed Conditionals

In this section, we look at the third conditional and mixed conditionals. Take a look at the lesson below and test yourself with the final quiz at the bottom of the page.


Conditionals are used when we want to talk about what will happen after something else happens. The if part of the sentence is the condition (If the weather was good) the other part is the result (I would have gone for a run). 

If I won  the lottery, I would buy a boat
I would buy a boat, if i won the lottery

Third conditional

We use the third conditional to talk about an imaginary situation, that might have happened in the past.

If the food was cooked properly, I wouldn’t have been sick.

We would have won, if I had played well

The structure is:  If + past perfect+ ____+ would(n’t) have + past participle.

You can also switch the order of the clauses without changing the meaning.

Mixed conditionals

Mixed conditionals are used when a past change, changes a present result or a present change, changes a result in the past.


Here we look at an example where a past change effects a current situation.

If I hadn’t met him, I wouldn’t have gotten this job.

Structure: If + past perfect +___+  would + infinitive.


This example talks about how a different situation now would mean that the past was also different.

It’s not that bad. If it was, I would have been really angry.

Structure: If + past simple + _____ + would have + past participle.

If I was kinder, she ____ have left.

___ I didn’t move to Asia, I wouldn’t have met my partner.

__________, I wouldn’t ask you to do it.

__________, if i studied more.

Your grade is: __

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