A1/A2 English - Adjectives and Prepositions
Do you know how to use adjectives, prepositions, or both together? Learn and practise on this page and bring your new skills to class. In this A1/A2 English lesson, we will go through grammar, give examples and allow you to test what you have learned.Â
We use adjectives to describe things around us. We use adjectives with the verb ‘to be’, for example:
The table is big.
They are smart.
I am tall
We can also use adjectives with nouns to describe the noun:
The big table
The smart people
The tall man

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We use prepositions for many different situations in English. The main one is for describing the location of things, relative to another object. Have a look at the pictures below to see some of the most important prepositions:
We can put the previous section together with this one to create some more interesting sentences:
The red ball is next to the big table.
The small man is in front of the old house.
He is next to the green box.
I am in the interesting car.
Adjectives and Prepositions
Adjectives can also go together with prepositions. There are no spicific rules for which preposition should go with which adjective, you just have to learn through experience.
However, we can see some common patterns with certain words.
We must also remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (verb+ing).
Usually, about is used with feelings like angry/happy/nervous/sad/stressed, etc. to explain what why we feel this way.
He’s nervous about the date.They’re angry about the game.
She’s sad about her dog.
I’m worried about the presentation.
Some feelings us about, other feelings use of to describe what makes you feel that way. For example:
She’s scared of ghosts.
I’m frightened of tall buildings.
We are very proud of your success.
They are afraid of the dark.
Using ‘to’ allows people to show the connection between things:
He’s married to her.
I’m addicted to chocolate.
She’s allergic to dairy.
It’s similar to the last one.
Also, we can use ‘to’ to talk about someone’s behaviour towards another thing, or person.
He were really friendly to the dog.
Was she nice to you?
He is always polite to the guests.
They were very rude to the waitress.
We use at with adjectives like good/bad. For example, speaking about abilities.
I am good at English.
She’s amazing at guitar.
They’re terrible at football.
He’s bad at art.